

Hello 👋, I am Sanchit, a software developer and a competitive coder from BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus.

Ex-SDE Intern @ Amazon | Final Year Student @ BITS Pilani | Major in Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) | Tech Enthusiast | Specialist(1400+ Rating) at Codeforces | Minor in Data Science

I am a target-oriented individual and adept at completing the tasks assigned. I am a tech enthusiast, passionate about Software development, Machine Learning and Competitive Programming and looking forward to solving real-world problems revolving around them. Through my work, I wish to leave a positive impact on people, projects, and organizations.

Technical Skills👨‍💻

  • Languages: C/C++, Java, Python, JavaScript, SQL, HTML, CSS
  • Frameworks: Spring Boot, Django, Bootstrap
  • Developer Tools: Git, Amazon Web Services (AWS), MySQL, Github

Education / Work Experience

Education 🏫🎓

Delhi Public School Gurugram

2006 - 2020

CLASS X : 94% (BEST 5: 97.2%)

CLASS XII : 92.4% (PCM + CS + English)

Awarded the Scholar Badge, Blue Blazer, Blue Tie, Blue Badge, and finally the Gold Medal for consistent academic performance from class V to XII.

Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani - Hyderabad Campus

2020 - 2024

Degree: B.E. Computer Science & Minor in Data Science


Object Oriented Programming

Database Management Systems

Data Structures and Algorithms

Information Retrieval

Operating Systems

Computer Networks

Deep Learning

Computer Architecture

Computer Programming

Discrete Mathematics in CS


Compiler Design

Machine Learning

Foundation of Data Science

International Institute of Information Technology - Hyderabad

CVIT Summer School

August 2023

Participated in the CVIT Summer School on Artificial Intelligence with a focus on Computer Vision and Machine Learning, guided by renowned faculty and industry experts, organized by IIIT-Hyderabad.

Professional Experience 🏢

CSIR - National Chemical Laboratory

05/22 - 07/22

Summer Intern

  • Built a CRUD web application to store chemical processes involving Runaway reactions and their conditions to enable Data Engineers to simulate to learn, predict and build an alert system.
  • Technologies used: Django, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap.


05/23 - 07/23

Software Development Engineer (SDE) Intern

  • Department: Performance Adv. Core Engine
  • Team: BLR Veritas ETL (Analytics & Data Management (ADM) - Spektr)
  • Deliveries:
    • Proposed an innovative solution to build Dynamic Data Writing Mechanism in Spektr and completed its Proof of Concept using Spark UI. Created comprehensive design document and wrote scripts for data, performance and cost analysis.
    • Successfully presented and gained approval for the proposed design document during the Brainstorming session, aimed at reducing job failures due to low/high Part File Consolidation (PFC) number and optimizing data writing, leading to annual cost savings of $100K.
    • Implemented and deployed the PFC Scaling Mechanism to optimize performance for Amazon Prime Day’23.
    • Implemented and deployed a feature to update Custom Jars and Spark Params for Ingestion & Transformation Jobs in Spektr UI via newly developed Update API. Formulated a design document and Low-Level Design for demonstration.
    • Fixed the bug in Spektr UI by passing the correct Payload to Greenpill API to retrieve the correct cluster ID to load the ETL execution details for all workflows.
  • Technologies used: Java, ReactJS, Python, Apache Spark, Pandas, Matplotlib, Amazon Web Services (CloudWatch, EMR, S3, dynamoDB, Apache Airflow).


Some of my works.

SocialButterfly - A Social Media App

Designed and implemented a Social Media web Application which allows users to post, follow, comment and like each other's post as well as create own pages to innovate, inform and inspire.
Used Django and MySQL to develop the backend and database segment of the project.
Used HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap for frontend.

Car Parking Management System

A group project to build a web Application using OOP concepts in Java which is used for booking car parking slots online.
Used Spring Boot and MySQL to develop the backend and database segment of the project.
Used HTML5 and CSS3 for frontend.


Stock Management System

Wrote data structures (Linked Lists, Hash Maps and BSTs) from scratch to implement a stock management system in C++.

DSNL Hospital Management System

A group project to build a web application portal for keeping records of doctors, patients and other hospital staff along with the medical reports, bills, rooms and medical inventory.
Used Spring Boot and MySQL to develop the backend and database segment of the project.
Used HTML5 and CSS3 for frontend.

Boolean Information Retrieval System

Developed a Boolean Information Retrieval System to return those documents (specifically their names from corpus/dataset given) which satisfy Boolean (AND, OR and NOT with their combinations).
Used Python along with standard libraries like Numpy and NLTK.

Contact 📧

Looking for a developer, have a project idea to discuss, or just want to connect? Choose your preferred means of communication, and let's get talking.


Gurugram, Haryana, India